
In the words of the great Peter Kay (himself channelling every Lancastrian lady of a certain age) "I like it warm - but not this warm." However, it seems it will soon be over now - according to the latest weather forecast, we have only thunder and flooding to look forward to now. This will be a significant strain on the resources of the local TV news who have spent every hour of the last few weeks on various Devon/Cornwall beaches asking tourists... 

(a) What do they think of the South West in the heat?

(b) Are they being careful in the heat?

(c) Do they like it warm but not this warm?

They have also majored on - is it warm in the back of that Ambulance for 12 hours? (Answer - yes it is Sherlock) and how much worse the Cost of Living Crisis will be when it's not so warm and we have to put the heat on.

So it was always going to rain eventually and it looks like next week is the eventually. I don't want you thinking I am downplaying the Climate Crisis (or any other of the ongoing crises) - I am a believer - I am very keen on the BBC's Justin Rowlatt with his curly belt and unwashed jeans (Probably trying to save water which is admirable) and I don't know how many times he has to say the earth is in trouble until people decide to agree with him and do something about it rather than abusing him on Twitter because they don't like the message. 

For those who might be wondering about Aged Parent. Well, here she is. She is currently in a specialist dementia home and has recently been assessed by social services. The social worker rang this week to tell me that, unfortunately, AP will not be able to return to assisted living as she is no longer well enough. YOU THINK? She assured me that I shouldn't reproach myself and that no one could have done more (well possibly you could but let's not go there). In herself, AP seems to be doing fine. She's better when people are around - especially men to flirt with "Ooh - here he is again. Where have you been?" (Gentleman, who is a bit befuddled anyway is even more confused by the sudden escalation in his relationship with AP which seems to mean he has to let her know when he goes inside to dance to Yes Sir - I Can Boogie.) We had a brief chat with him and he shrugged and said - "I no longer have a home you know". We told him that this was his home now where people could look after him and he seemed happy with that. AP won't actually be staying in this home because it's £3000 a week (not including pads) but I'm quite confident that she will better wherever she goes because she gets to mix with people all the time and doesn't need to worry about her living conditions. 

So back to work next week. I have been really relaxed this week and working out ways to try and stay that way as life returns to normal. I really don't want to be chasing and harried but I'm not sure of the solution. I was listening to Beth Moore the other week just describing something or other and she said (In a very pronounced and beautiful Texas accent) "I was just upstairs, in the bedroom, reading and enjoying the Lord." I don't know how often I do that. Just enjoy God - without an agenda, petition or moan. Or I avoid him because I think I am in trouble. I have told you before about the Joy Davidman story where she spends a day aware of God at her shoulder prodding her to sit and listen. But she ignores it because she thinks she is in trouble. Eventually, because the still small voice is so persistent, she gives in and sits down with God - ready to take the inevitable telling off which she has undoubtedly deserved. Except, she immediately hears God say. "Well no. I just wanted to GIVE you something."  

Let's face it - there's a lot to be worried and angry about. I am angry a lot of the time these days but this morning our minister reminded us of Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God (and yes he did make us sing it and have a stab at the harmonies. 1972 it was written. Apparently - it's the sentiment behind the lyrics that God hears when we worship. Not the actual sounds we make. Lucky Him. Anyway - don't build a church on that. I'm not entirely sure it's scriptural) 

It's written in The Message like this

Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

It's in Matthew 6. It's about slowing, enjoying, making time for the relationship - even before the things that we need. When I was little we used to sing "What a Friend we have in Jesus." (Slim Whitman version in our house. AP was very keen) and again - it's about friendship and relationship which need to be sought and enjoyed first and eventually we are told that the other things will fall into place. 

Thinking I need to give this a proper go. Have a good week.

PS. I know commenting is ridiculously complicated but I do appreciate it and if you want to leave a comment anonymously (I don't blame you) can you tell me who you are in the body of the comment, please? It's been so lovely to hear from old friends. I also think that if you are on Google you can follow me. Possibly. 


  1. I love your blogs, you make me laugh & cry in each one (that’s a compliment!)
    So lovely seeing a pic of your mum.
    Thanks. Jill Westfield x

    1. Thanks Jill. Excellent to hear from you. Hope you are all good xx

  2. Why has this post only just shown up on my feed? It's weeks older (even older than my latest grandchild) lovely to see picture of AP. My auntie used to have an LP of slim Whitman hymns.


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