
Hello all. I hope you are ok. We are fine. It's been quiet though. I spent Saturday morning at church helping with the Funday they were running. Bouncy castles as far as the eye could see. The weekend just gone is part of a Pirates' Weekend celebration in Plymouth. We live just down the road from The Barbican, part of the harbour and a centre for the celebrations. It's very popular and it's certainly cute to see little children dressed as pirates and taking part in all the games etc. I'll be honest - there is always a bit too much Johnny Depp in the way of cardboard cutouts etc. for my personal taste but there you are. Lots of tourists, lovely weather etc. I do admit though that, unless you are in a comedy sketch or being paid to sing sea shanties (a lot of that about around here) I'm a bit uncomfortable with fully grown adults dressing up as pirates - some of them don't even have children with them. Lots of the women go very hard on the wench look with a lot of spillage over the tops of corsets if you get my meaning. I'm not sure that's as wholesome as it should be. Anyway - no one is asking me.

In the meantime, I was very busy helping children make jellyfish. (Please see above). I know this had nothing to do with pirates but the lady in charge couldn't think of anything else and I don't think Sumo wrestling in inflatable suits has much to do with pirates either but no one seemed that bothered. I thought our table might be quiet with all the alternative attractions but absolutely not. As usual, I am distracted by the different types of parenting when people come to the table and kids play up a bit because they can't have what they want. One little boy was having a paddy (is that racist? I don't think it's Irish? Is it?) Anyway, he was playing up because he couldn't have the whole box of googly eyes to play with and his Mum said..."Please don't be sad. Mummy gets upset when you are sad." It's none of my business obviously but I remember well that Aged Parent would have said "And, if you carry on, I will give you something to be sad about." Different times I suppose.

A chap from the congregation dressed up as a pirate and led a treasure hunt. He's a big chap and with a lot of Ahoy, Me Hearties! and Arrrrghing at the top of his voice he was very convincing. Indeed, we were reflecting that he was probably too convincing as one of the tiny children promptly threw up on the foyer carpet when faced with the prospect of joining him on a treasure hunt around the church

Other than that, not an eventful week. We celebrated our wedding anniversary by sitting on the balcony, in the sunshine drinking champagne. This was followed by Dalgleish on catchup which I think was very good. HOH can be quite snobby about Channel 5 which means that I would have to watch "When Celebrity Breast Enlargements Go Wrong" or "Fishing for Big Fish with People Who Can Catch Big Fish" on my own (If I wanted to) but he likes Dalgliesh. I enjoyed it despite it bearing no resemblance to the PD James detective novels that I had read lots of during the pandemic and have been boring everyone by keeping saying - "This is nothing like the books." However, on checking on the Kindle, I discovered that I had been reading the Wexford detective novels, not the Dalgleish ones, which explains a lot. I am doing my best here. Speaking of books. Does anyone else give up on books when they get fed up - even books that are supposed to be classics? I have just given up on Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene. Apparently, it's hilarious. Laugh out loud hilarious. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. So I gave up. Why do I feel guilty? I need to get out more. 

Other than that, nothing much to tell except I had my hair cut short. It always used to be short and then I grew it during the pandemic  - and then never got around to getting it sorted. I was concerned that I was beginning to look like what Aged Parent used to call "An Old Tail" so I had it cut. It's supposed to look gamine and winsome, which might explain my strange expression. (Note to self - move some things around on the Kallax behind you - it's got the look of an altar in a Madonna video). 

Have a good week.
