Quick Check In


Hello. This is just a quick sign-in because the views on the blog have gone up a bit and I suddenly thought that people may be concerned. I am ok. Well, I haven't been ok. I have had Covid and it wasn't messing about. Lots and lots of nasty symptoms and although I feel that I have turned the corner a bit now - I'm still very wobbly. 

I wouldn't mind but I am a pro-vax kind of person but I didn't qualify last time because I am too young and vital. Pah!

Covid - the Worldwide Pandemic that keeps on giving.

Hopefully back on Sunday. 

Blessings on you and your camels.


  1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear you've had covid. The current strain can be horrid, I've heard. Hope you can take plenty of time to rest and recover. I was wondering where you were and if you we OK...

    1. Thank you. I'm definitely getting there but you heard correctly - it was quite full on. I was wandering around M&S today and thought I felt a bit funny. Then I realised it was because I was short of breath. Blimey.

  2. Sorry to hear that you’ve been so poorly. Hope you’re starting to feel much better, but don’t rush back to getting on with life as I keep hearing that the current strain is taking some getting over. (Sorry, I’m being such a Job’s comforter but it’s so easy to think you’re better than become unstuck). I’m not one of your new readers, but have been following for ages. I rarely comment because usually my iPad just swallows the comment into the ether, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed with this one! I do always enjoy finding a new post on your blog though! Penny L in Dorset xxx

    1. Hello. I may well be making some progress now - at last but the old breathing is taking its time. I know what you mean about commenting. I sometimes leave replies and when I go back, I have no idea where the reply has gone. Who knows why?


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