Hello all. I hope you are well. Plymouth is riding the crest of a footballing wave at the moment because the Argyle (up the greens! etc.) have beaten more odds than anyone thought possible by pummelling the mighty Liverpool. I don't have any skin in this particular game but well done everybody. I expect the streets to be very jolly with well-wishers this evening, full of bonhomie and cider.
I was "on the door" as they say, at church this morning. I sometimes think that this is not at the core of my calling and this feeling was compounded by the following.
1. It was freezing. Apparently, it is not considered welcoming to stand behind a closed glass door as people approach. I don't see why not - as long as I am very smiley and open the door as people get near.
2. There was a Bring and Share meal with an International theme. If you go in at my level, this means wapping to the Co-op and buying some garlic bread. Most people did not go in at my level (probably for the best) and it seemed that many people had stayed at home to create culinary masterpieces which they brought in later. This meant that people were coming backwards and forward for most of the morning. (Close the flipping door!)
3. Someone had decreed that this was "Sticker Sunday!" - to be said with a high - if insincere - level of enthusiasm. This means that we have to try and "encourage" everyone who comes in to wear a sticker with their name on it. All I will say is that the person who had the idea managed to find himself preaching at another church this morning. Ha! Some people really, really don't want to wear a sticker and they are not afraid to tell you so believe me. Actually, I would rather not wear a sticker but I am too cowardly to say so.
For those who care - Friday is Valentines Day. As I am sure I have said before HOH has taken against Valentine's Day so I can expect nowt and I'm ok with that. (I have to be). He says it is an excuse to push people into spending, often money that they haven't got. I can expect to be taken by surprise by some flowers at some point - just not on Valentine's Day. Actually, if he gets his act together I will be a very cheap date because my favourite flowers at this time of year are daffodils and they are either a quid or so from Marks or nothing at all if you get them from the side of the motorway. (Dangerous but frugal.)
HOH says his point is proved by an article in the Sunday Times this week with Valentine's gifts for men. (The women's page seems to just be full of red underwear and candles. Just be careful not to put those candles near that underwear - it looks like it would go up in a flash). Anyway. Men's gifts include. Cashmere Overshirt - £2490, Longines watch - £5900 and ballpoint pen - £525. They are laughing at us! And some poor beggars will be paying for this because they feel it is the way to acceptance and satisfaction. It really is obscene.
To calm down a little. I am quite taken at the moment with a couple of Instagram accounts. One is "Not Needing New" which is based around the idea that nearly all of us have "enough". She lives in a small flat with teenage kids and the cutest dog. She has financial challenges but she encourages us to take a good look at ourselves and ask where our contentment comes from. Also, I'm loving the "Knickers Model's Own" account. there you can find a lady wearing a second-hand outfit every day to raise money for cancer research. She looks great. They both look great. It helps that they are both very beautiful anyway but still.
These are tough times for lots of people. I don't really want to buy into lies that tell me that buying that stuff is where my contentment lies. Anyway. Psalm 4. That's the place. Shows me that this is not a new thing, spending for status has been around forever. It also tells me where to seek my contentment.
Have a great week.
Why is everyone hungry for more? “More, more,” they say.
“More, more.”
I have God’s more-than-enough,
More joy in one ordinary day
7Than they get in all their shopping sprees.
At day’s end, I’m ready for sound sleep,
For you, God, have put my life back together
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